Friday 24 February 2012

Edmodo - Social Environment for Class

I took a really interesting workshop at the board office on Edmodo.  You can access it here:  It is a social networking environment for a group of students and a teacher.  The interface is very similar to Facebook, but it is an environment controlled by the teacher.  It can be a starting point for a class in the computer lab, where the teacher has given an assignment that all the students instantly access, work on and send back to the teacher within the Edmodo environment.  It could work as a mobile environment if enough students were linked with iPads, iPod Touches, and/or computers.  Everyone could be accessing, and working collaboratively on their own device.  Here is a screen shot and brief overview from Edmodo's Website:

Engage your students

Collaborate, exchange ideas and share content in a secure, closed environment

Engage your students
  • Provide a safe environment for differentiating instruction with one-to-one or whole group communication.
  • Create an anytime, anywhere mobile learning environment with smartphone apps and mobile site.
  • Provide easy access to projects, classwork and school events through assignments, quiz builder, calendar and gradebook features.

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